Summer Hiring at Gentle Giant on the Horizon, Even with Snow

By: Elizabeth Martin On: Feb 28, 2019 Posted In: Community, Massachusetts Moving Company, Meet the Giants

Summer Hiring at Gentle Giant on the Horizon, Even with Snow

Here’s a fun fact: the first day of meteorological spring begins on March 1st. This means according to meteorologists, spring starts sooner than we think. The meteorological seasons vary slightly from the astronomical seasons, but with the snowy Boston winter and single digit temperatures we’ve had at our Boston headquarters, it is hard to wrap our brains around the word spring.

This time of year, our email inboxes ping with reminders of how to manage black ice, extra cold conditions, slip and fall dangers, and the other joys of working outdoors in the winter. As a moving company, this time of year comes with a special host of hurdles to the work day. Even still, the show must go on – and go on it does. Through snow, sleet, rain, frigid temperatures and wind so strong it blows the trash bins into the street, we continue to persevere.

The winter at Gentle Giant goes on in this manner, until one day it is suddenly 90 degrees and humid. That day will be here before we know it, and with it comes our busy season. So, while it is difficult to believe spring is right around the corner, hiring is gearing up in preparation of the influx of employees needed to meet the demands of our summer months. This time every year, while we are shoveling and de-icing and layering on wool, the recruiting team sets its sights on May.

The Qualities We Look For In Our Movers

It is an exciting time of year to reflect on the qualities we look for in the new members of the Gentle Giant ranks. Early on, the founding members of Gentle Giant recognized one important thing that has set us apart from other moving companies for decades: if you take kind, intelligent, athletic individuals and send them into a customer’s home on move day, the customer will be happy. It doesn’t seem like rocket science, but at the time, it was revolutionary.

The business of moving people requires a level of care, discretion, and trust not found in other labor or service industry jobs. It is no small feat to enter someone’s life on the day they are relocating, perhaps the most stressful day of their year, and do so with a helpful and guiding hand. That is what we strive to do at Gentle Giant and doing so requires a unique work force. A true Giant is an individual who demonstrates athleticism, customer service, respect, and honesty in equal parts. It is an individual who can think on their feet and outside the box to solve fast moving and complex problems. A Giant doesn’t mind going above and beyond to help a teammate or customer in need and relishes the opportunity to work hard.

Great Summer Job Opportunity for High School and College Athletes!

We often find the position is well-suited for high school and college athletes who know how to endure physical challenges with poise and grace. We have a growing list of partnerships with local coaches and athletes who recognize the value of a summer with Gentle Giant. It’s not only a great summer job to stay in shape, it is an opportunity to gain soft skills and leadership practice with a company that has led the industry for nearly 40 years.

If this sounds like the kind of work you, your teammates, or your athletes might be interested in, we are gearing up our hiring for the summer season! You can apply online or contact us at for more information.